12 Tips for Recruiting New Board Members
The article gives 12 tips for interacting with potential board members in order to attract them to serve on your board.
The article gives 12 tips for interacting with potential board members in order to attract them to serve on your board.
This is a list of sample questions you might ask in interviews with potential board members.
This is a list of questions you should be prepared to answer during interviews with potential board members.
The author provides several excellent suggestions about how to vet potential board members, including the use of job descriptions, job interviews, the use of a vetting committee, and “testing” candidates by using them first as committee members. It has a list of questions that might indicate warnings to avoid a potential board candidate.
This article identifies various sources to use in the early stages of a search for prospective board members (in addition to Build a Better Board).
This is a model job posting for potential new board members.
This is a one-page list of 10 of the most important responsibilities for a board of directors. You should be sharing a list like this with potential new board candidates to set their expectations.
Use this simple 13-item rating scale to get a quick assessment of a potential board member. Or use this as a starting point for a more expanded scale tailored for your nonprofit.
This article summarizes benefits of having a diverse board and suggests how and why to recruit for diverse board members.
This Excel worksheet is a useful tool for analyzing the skills and demographics of your current board. Use this worksheet to inventory the skills and demographics you need on your board.