Basic Responsibilities of All Nonprofit Board Members
This is another list of board responsibilities, but more descriptive of individual members’ responsibilities in addition to responsibilities of the board as a whole.
This is another list of board responsibilities, but more descriptive of individual members’ responsibilities in addition to responsibilities of the board as a whole.
Are you still wondering about basic board structures and responsibilities? If you are, check here. For easy reference, the article presents information in the form of frequently asked questions.
One of the main responsibilities of all board members is maintaining financial accountability of their organization. This article provides a guide to how board members can fulfill their role as fiduciaries.
This 17-page monograph is a training resource for board members, which goes into considerable detail about what you need to know as a board member. It explains what nonprofit agencies are, how their boards govern through committees, the board’s role in strategic planning and fundraising, and some important legal concerns including the Sarbanes-Oxley Act and an introduction to board liability.
Some nonprofits ask board members to sign a form acknowledging their responsibilities. This is an example of this type of form, which you might be asked to sign.
This is a list of questions a prospective board member should consider asking board members or the Executive Director if they are interviewing as a board candidate.